
Here comes the thunder



1 Year
12-24-2014, 01:35 AM
Walk | Talk | Think 

The earthy-colored wolf followed closely behind, her vibrant green eyes ever watchful ahead while her brother led the way. A new pack, he had said, they would try pack life together, and this time it would be one of his choosing. While she did not exactly like being wrong, there had been something poor about her decision to run off and join Yfir without any foreword to her family, and definitely something poor in the manner that it had been stolen away from the lot of them, she and the other Yfir members. It was still a sore spot - there had been so much potential there - but what was there to do about it now but move on and keep going? 

At least now, she thought and she glanced at her not-so-large-looking brother - since when did he not look big and intimidating? - she had Thor again. It saddened her to think that her sisters had gone off - especially Eostre. While Arnporr had been brave and mouthy and unafraid of anything, Eostre was the one to cower at her own shadow, the one Bera worried about most. She hoped they were well, wherever they were, and wished that they might still be together. Maybe they were with Loki like Thor suspected. At this rate, it was the better option available to them. 

With Thor stopping at the border already and calling out to those within, Bera hurried to join him, offering him a reserved and yet optimistic smile accompanied by a tail wag of encouragement. This was a wonderful thing they were doing, a great thing that she was truly thankful for. He certainly did not have to jump into a pack with her, but the fact he was willing to do it, even when he had been against it while raising them, was terribly sweet. Feeling good about their chances, Bearcub moved to sit within the snow as she waited, straightening herself to her full height - one that now nearly rivaled that of Thor even if she lacked much of the same warrior's bulk as of yet - as she attempted to look as presentable as she could.