


12-24-2014, 12:05 PM
Since the birthing of her children she had taken every and all excuses to leave them at home with their father and get back to her duties, partly because she didn't want to get demoted and partly because she wanted to get back into shape. Her stomach was beginning to tighten up already but still... Her body would never be the same, she knew this much. The elasticity was gone and she could really notice it when she perched on her haunches and poked ether stomach. It was droopy and kind of saggy rather then tight and firm like it once had. It didn't help that eating weed and an endless supply of food brought to her by Nova in her pregnancy had added a bit more weight then her pups had. Plus she had these weird... Teets. Ugh such ugly things all swollen and droopy. Usually they were flat to her underside and covered by the sleek black fur but now. So gross. Yup bodies were gross... 

And so she would leave them again, slithering away from her den, mate and newly speaking children whom she was growing to hate more and more, setting off towards the boarder before cutting quickly right. She had worn a well travels death by now along the boarder, one she at least was grateful for so she didn't have to trudge through the deep snow. Long legs gobbled up the ground as slowly she found her old rhythm of beta rather then mom. She didn't like being a mom... Except to Mercy... But the child... Dione wasn't sure if she would ever see the girl again after their last spat. Did it matter? Dione was confused about it all, an emotion the green woman did not like or appreciate as worry blossomed in her chest. She had to know... She would slow and then halt in her trench before tipping her head back and howling, calling for Mercy. She probably should have stopped by her second den and eaten some herb before this but eh. What happened happened right?