
hold onto me...



10 Years
Extra large
12-24-2014, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-24-2014, 12:34 PM by Áki.)
The darkness of night swaddled him like a blanket, tendrils of cool mist swirling around him as he moved quietly through the forest. The eeriness of the forest was comforting to him, and he found solace in the silence that encased him. Careful pawsteps carried him forward, his gait deliberate and quiet, like a hunter stalking his prey. This forest was heavily marked, though the scents were less numerous than he expected; there was certainly no pack that lived here, though it did seem that someone considered this sinister place theirs.

With ease he would make his way toward the edge of the forest. The last thing he wanted to do was fight -- though he was quite unafraid of protecting himself. A huff of air escaped his lips as he dipped his head to the ground, his crimson gaze searching ahead of him, struggling to penetrate the thick fog that hung over the earth.

The faint scent of strangers came to him as he found himself at the edge of the forest. Through the darkness he could see them. They were nearly fluorescent, glowing green against the pale moonlight. Áki was interested in these strange-pelted wolves and he found his eyes sparkling with fascination. Slowly he would make his way closer, his posture guarded and his muscles tensed. He had only made out a few words from the largest of the group -- perhaps a parent of some sort? -- and he had no idea as to the nature of his nighttime gathering. "Hello," he would call from a distance, unable to help but feel a sense of fascination toward these oddly-colored creatures. His voice was gruff and deep, heavy with an strange northern accent. Head would tilt slightly as he studied them, venturing to take a step closer.

table by argent/neffs