
Nagendra Bahri



5 Years
12-25-2014, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2014, 08:43 PM by Nagendra.)
Out-of-Character Name: Acrylic
Age: 17

Character's Name: Nagendra Bahri
Character Age: 2
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 34"
Appearance Description:
Nagendra is a handsome young man. Not a generic sort of handsome, but an exotic sort that oozes sensuality. Within himself he manages to contain a fine tango of masculinity and femininity, orchestrating an intense air of total desire. His body is lithe and sleek and tall, almost delicate seeming. He carries himself with the graceful, sauntering and silent gait of a cat. Seduction drips from every motion. It flashes in each mischievous glance that his eyes cast, and every roguish grin that dances across his slender face. Therein speak the flirtations of a woman, but the dominance and command of a man. Such a contradictory aura often also radiates mystery, at least, upon first impressions.

His short, thick fur is kept as neatly as it can be, though he is garnished with a few untamable, curling tresses around his neck and jaw. He washes daily – sure to keep his glossy sheen. The majority of the wolf’s pelt is a rich, dark brown. A darker blackish brown drapes gently along the upper half of his body like a cape, and colors around his eyes and along the backs of his ears and the bridge of his nose. His legs are also dipped in the same, nearly black chocolate hue. His eyes are a vivid shamrock green, standing out boldly against more modest browns.

Proof of Purchases:

I'm not certain how much his markings may cost, but I'm hoping that I could use the gems (512) on my old account here to pay.