
Shall we dance? (Open Spar)



4 Years
12-26-2014, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 02:08 AM by Warja.)
OOC: I'm looking for a partner who is about the same size as Warja, either her height or smaller. It's about time for her to fight someone who doesn't tower over her xD Just a spar, no maims, claims or what have you. However, I would like this to be no holds barred so if you can't handle that please don't reply.

Reaching the battlefield, Warja stopped and surveyed her surroundings. She was always on the lookout for opportunities to better herself and lately, with her main focus being healing knowledge, the young medic had begun to neglect her knowledge of fighting. Her training was as rigorous as ever, but she felt like it had grown stale. She was ready for a change of pace.

Tipping up her chin, the little fae sent up a call summoning a like-minded individual for a test of strength and cunning. She was specific - this would not be a dainty, careful training spar. No, Warja was looking for something a little more challenging: no holds barred.

Ready and waiting, Warja shifted her weight from paw to paw. Her eyes never rested on one place for very long, gaze flicking from object to object in search of an opponent. Determination shown in her gaze - she wasn't about to head home without something to show for her time spent in the battlefield. Wickedly she wondered if coming home battered would cause her dad or Kismet to worry. Their overprotective tendencies were sometimes adorable, but one way or another she was determined to break them of it - even if she had to do it by desensitizing them to seeing her wounded.
