
Here comes the thunder



2 Years
12-26-2014, 10:58 AM

Drashiel was trying his best not to become clingy or over-protective but with his wife in the late stages of pregnancy he was more than a little keyed up.  Especially as Roman was fiercely independent and refused to leave her alphen duties in his paws, even for a little bit.  Though he supposed it was for the best.  It enabled him to do some hunting and build up their stores, a daunting task in this frozen winter.  Which, now that he thought about it…. he'd probably need to hold another hunt.  Roman was more than just pregnant, she was massive.  Drashiel had no idea of how many pups they might have or how large the little squirts would be but considering how round she was getting he felt safe betting on the high end.

A howl rang out and Drashiel paused in his tracking to race toward the border.  He wasn't terribly worried, most trespassers and spies didn't bother to howl first but just as he imagined, Roman beat him there to greet two strange males and a young woman.  Tail lifted, streaming behind him dominantly, ears alert as he strode confidently forward, bright peridot eyes examining them.  The trio were well built, and scarred… warriors perhaps?  It was a little odd to see two males with such a young woman but there didn't seem to be anything impure in their relationship.  It was rather like fathers and a daughter.  Were they a…. family?

"I am Drashiel Armada, King of Regium.  I see you have met my wife."  No doubt she'd already inquired as to why they were here.  Drashiel would not bore them with repeated questions.
