
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]



2 Years
12-26-2014, 12:10 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 12:15 PM by Drashiel.)

“What is important for a leader is that which makes him a leader. It is the needs of his people.” - Dune

Drashiel stirred as the morning broke in lavender and soft pink hues. The air was chilly, as it ever was in the north.  His dreams were quickly fading in the soft morning light and for the longest time he lay awake, perfectly still, just listening to the breathing of his wife and basking in the warmth of her body and the new life brewing within it.  New life... once again the thoughts of being a parent swirled within his head both excitement and dread.  What sorts of life were they about to bring into this world?

Well... either way... the King had a job to do.  Delicately he extracted himself from the den and strode into the chilly winter morning.  Snow lay heaped upon the ground as the sun slowly started to peer from the sky.  Hunting had been hit or miss and they were just barely getting by.  Regium was growing quickly and now with two expectant mothers as well as growing pups the population was rapidly outstripping their ability to provide for it.

Drashiel wandered to one of the trails he’d been tracking.  There was a group of musk oxen nearby and the recent storm had brought some early birthing.  If the calves survived they’d make excellent targets for a hunt, if not they could pilfer the carcasses.  When it came to providing for his pack Drashiel was not particular.  Lifting his head he let out a call.  Hunters of the pack were to report immediately as well as any other’s wishing to join.  Those that made a good showing would be safe for the time being.  In these desperate times with so many little ones on the way the King had no problem removing any wolves from Regium he felt were failing to pull their weight.

ooc: This is mandatory for hunters and strongly encouraged for able-bodied pack members. Deadline is 5:00 pm ala time Jan. 2