
Demons Never Die [Meeting]


05-30-2013, 10:44 AM
Thane shifted on his haunches as he heard Cairo talk of how this was no longer the home it used to be. In the brute's mind he agreed; somehow things had changed and Thane had noticed them but tried not to acknowledge them. Just nod and smile, and he would be on his way. How many meetings had be sat through without saying a word? Perhaps all of them unless if he was required to speak. With a grunt white lined ears perked up. Should he speak...would he receive frowns upon his words?

The wolf still sat quietly beside his mate before averting his aqua blue gaze to her. He silently looked at her before having another thought resurface. Honestly he had had a thought contemplating if this was the right place he had chosen to raise a family. But now with the newborns here he had already shook that thought away from his mind. But the concern still was as if there was slight anarchy. But of course it wasn't anarchy at just seemed complicated to him. And of course everything going on didn't involve him as much but then it did; everyone here was family, Valhalla was family. Once in a while everyone may forget but he knew they are all in the same pack. and what does family do, they stick together!

The male knew that there were ups and downs once in a while, and this seemed to be one of them. What family can go on without a little skirmish here and there in the stars knows what. Then again Thane knew in his heart that this was his home. He would watch his children grow up here. But then what?

A deep battle of thoughts went on in his mind. Quiet did he stay and still was his body. Upon the ground were his paws with bones relaxed and slack. Relaxed was he for this would end, and it would end well.

Aqua blue eyes averted then to Epiphron who said that Chrysanthe should take the position of alpha. A small smile appeared on the male's maw. Thane thought that this was a grand idea; choices and freedom of each wolfs own was what the brute saw. But of course he was only a humble brute and kept his mouth shut. Thane was just eager for this all to set in place so he and Ookami could return to their three sleeping newborns back at the den.