
I'll be kind, if you'll be faithful


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
12-26-2014, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014, 01:50 PM by Fendar.)

This was not home.

It would seem that Fendar had taken a liking to wandering, it was more peaceful than sitting around the pack lands. It was too silent there, something that the large man wished he could fix. Blowing out a sharp sigh, he watched as his breath was turned to mist before him, dissipating until it vanished before his very eyes. He was in one of his moods again, sleep had eluded him for about 3 nights now, making him grumpy and irritable. It was easier to be alone when this happened, there was no one to snap at. Shaking his massive auburn head, he glanced around the cliffs, the sun just starting to make its decent into the sky. Another night with no sleep -- and yet that meant another night with no dreams that haunted him. Perhaps it was a good thing then, to be irritable and to not have to see the ghosts of his past. War was a terrible thing, and not something that was easily forgotten. Perhaps that is why he so enjoyed Kassander's changes to Ebony, there was less threat of a spat between packs. They were now more of an aid than anything, something that Fendar was good at. He was good at fighting too, but there was no longer pride in that. He had run after losing part of his sight in his silver eye, ran after he watched his family be torn apart. Where was the pride in taking lives? It was rather simple, there was none.

As Fendar marched on, a slight movement caught his eye. A female pushed herself through a slit in a rock, seeming to almost come out of nothing. Blinking his metallic gaze, he found himself staring at the almost magical female. In the position that he was standing, it seemed as though she had appeared from nothing at all. Clearing his throat, he turned his head and was about to move on, when the male picked up on her mood. He paused, paw still lingering in the air in mid-step. She was upset about something, and afraid. Had he scared her? The male may be scar-ridden, but most were hidden underneath his thick auburn coat -- all but the one across his eye. Feeling like he couldn't leave her here, potentially afraid of him, Fendar turned and started towards her. "I promise I don't bite that hard," he grumbled as he neared, stilling himself about three feet away from her. Taking in her rather simple appearance, he dipped his head in greeting. "I promise you don't have to be afraid of me, I would rather bite into a deer than waste my energy on trying to take another wolf down," he said, his eyes rolling. 'Great Fendar, just the thing to say to someone who might be afraid of you. Idiot...'