
Whispers In The Wind


05-30-2013, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 11:26 PM by Cherokee.)

She was the first wolf he'd run into since that day at the battlefield when he'd stumbled across the lass Chrysanthe with the clay-colored face and the fiery pelted queen. She was a quiet thing, on top of being small in stature. Her pelt was a flawless ivory, untainted by dirt nor patches of any other color. Her eyes were a milk brown, ordinary and plain, not something that would cause people to stare. Though she seemed to struggle with making conversation with him, Cherokee took a quiet liking to the shy woman. She wasn't hostile but then again she wasn't overly friendly. She was somewhere in the middle and the dark knight didn't see anything wrong with that.

Though lounging around had been really fun and all, he was glad the ivory maiden had stumbled across him. Conversation with a stranger, a shy one at that, was a welcome change. Cherokee wasn't exactly the talkative type, holding a natural distrust against all others, but he'd arrived in a new land where packs ruled most of it. He needed to get with the program and figure out who was who and what better way than talking. The woman before him showed no signs of possible hostility and even if she did, his size alone would give him the advantage. There was nothing wrong with a simple conversation.

He noticed that at his apology she wagged her tail. It was a subtle movement, one to portray friendliness. She obviously wasn't going to warm up to him that quickly but hey, he wasn't necessarily in the market for friends. Her quiet voice broke his thoughts, dual colored gaze flickering her facade as she spoke, watching as she fidgeted before speaking, saying how she hadn't expected to run into anyone. I wasn't really expecting to run into anyone either. I figured I'd be lying around for the rest of the day with only my heartbeat as company, but your arrival is most welcome miss. My name is Cherokee and it's a pleasure to meet you. He spoke in low tones, keeping in mind her shyness, a slight bow of his head presented to the woman as a sign of respect and acknowledgement of her elder age. He hoped she would keep the conversation going. Being alone wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.

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