
We live to dance another day

Myth I


6 Years
12-26-2014, 11:54 PM

Myth had hid, her whole being fearful of the monster woman. She had seen her niece, the black and white girl now permanently scared, one eerie empty socket where her eye ought to have been and rumor spoke of the orange woman’s wrath, plain upon the young Destruction’s face. They had been too slow, her transfer to Thear had not happened in time and so woman had ended up stuck under the tyrannical rule of a woman she feared. A part of her wondered if the orange monster recognized her, if it had registered that once upon a time she had supported a claim for the throne… a time she regretted deeply.

So she had kept her head down, ducked for cover whenever pawsteps sounded behind her. Still slowly they had started to trickle away. The dappled villainess didn’t seem too concerned with keeping an eye on her prisoners and more often than not Myth had found herself staring out across the border wondering if she could slip away too. Fear had driven her back from freedom each and every time. Now though?

She had known that call, would know it anywhere and it had given her the boost of confidence she needed. One paw at a time she had fled, glancing over her shoulder till she was well beyond sight of the border. Then she had run, concern churning in her stomach as she sprinted for her sister. Finally she would arrive, paws carrying her over Thear’s border with no hesitation. Skidding to a halt she panted, mis-matched eyes roving over the small gathering. Finally she focused her gaze on her sister, her litter mate. "Novella?" She wheezed, concern lacing her tone. Briefly she wondered what sort of picture she painted, no doubt her pelt was unkempt and she hadn’t eaten in some time, stomach starting to recede behind visible ribs. 
