
Do You Wanna Smash A Snowman?


12-27-2014, 01:06 PM

Her mind had been in a state of peace that wonderful day. This fact, her clear head, was a rare encounter indeed. She was calm... or at least had been until she heard a wolf howl. Her shy and reserved nature kicked in as she quickly hid herself amongst the snow and what little foliage was left in the winter months. She carefully watch the man with her eyes widened and a small. inaudible gasp. This man was destroying snow! What would he do to her if he caught her? She had no intentions of finding out as she slowly started to creep away from the dangerous man but she fell face first into the layer of snow on the ground. Her legs were splayed awkwardly above her head for a small time before falling to the ground with a loud thump. There was a frown on her face and tears in her eyes. Her face hurt... in fact her entire body hurt.

Hec quickly rushed to her feet as she attempted to run. Her paws were stuck in the snow which made movement slow as she walked as fast as she could away from the snow destroyer.