
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)



7 Years
12-27-2014, 07:42 PM

Kass' eyes wandered over those gathering - not many, he noted, his heart sinking a little. He didn't want to make the hard choices, didn't want to have to ask wolves to leave the pack, but he needed to protect the rest of Ebony and he couldn't in good conscience allow someone to take advantage of free meal and board that could be going to someone who really needed it and was at least willing to show up to meetings. It was what Raisa would have done, wasn't it? If she had to. He hoped it never came down to that.

But the wolves who showed up... Fendar, Nikolai, Sindri, Maximous. Only four. Half the pack. His face scrunched in worry, only to relax when his gaze fell upon Sindri. He was still so, so very thankful she was home. His gratitude knew no bounds... but a righteous anger had awakened in him the day she'd been returned to him so battered and broken. When Sigmarr, who had always been so strong and so vibrant, had been shattered, subdued, so defeated. He could do his best to help them recover but... that wasn't good enough. He had to make it so something like that could never, ever happen to someone else's sister, to someone else's brother or father or anyone. Too many people just sat back and did nothing while all this evil was going on out in the world. So many people crushed beneath the darkness.

He dragged his attention from Sindri, finally, focusing on Fendar's question. "We're... moving, is all. Leaving Stone Steppe and coming here. It's... where I grew up. It was the first land my mother claimed when she recreated Ebony." His voice was distracted, his whole expression still distant, still caught in his thoughts so the normally-shy boy showed little of his usual stutter, his anxiety. He was sustained, buoyed by that heat in his chest, by the half-remembered memories of his mother's rule here. No more wolves were coming... he would need to do something about that. Later.

His gaze returned to Sindri, blinking with a strange serenity at her before he spoke again to all gathered. "I want you who are here to spread this to everyone who isn't. Ebony's been quiet long enough. It's time to wake up and get back into the world. This isn't what Raisa would have wanted for us - a bunch of wolves who just happen to live in the same land. No, we're supposed to be a pack, a family. We're going to need to be united." His normally anxious facade had shifted, hardened to something stronger, something almost... noble. A paladin awakening within the quiet healer. "There is evil out there," he spoke. His voice was beginning to change from the distant to something nearer to when he spoke of healing, a passion radiating from it that was rare for him to show through. "Sometimes big things... murder, rape, they're evil. But there're little things too... corruption, kidnapping, abuse, neglect." He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, mismatched eyes darting over the four wolves who'd come. "Ebony isn't going to stand by and just let it happen anymore. We're a small pack so everyone needs to pull their weight now. I'd really appreciate it if Ebony wolves recruited but please - be careful who you bring in. We don't want to perpetuate the same evils we stand against."

As the words died he seemed to wake, and anxiety shuttered the passion in his eyes once again. Snowy paws shuffled atop the rock, but he strove to reattain that... complete confidence he'd had for that brief period. He'd known he was right, still knew it, but self-doubt dragged at him. Still he was proud that his voice was still steady, if a bit more uncertain, as he continued. "I want everyone to start training more. We don't have any high ranking warriors or healers right now so this is a good time to prove yourself if you want to be. I'll be at all the training sessions... as a student. I'll be the first to admit I need to learn more than anyone here does. I'm going to keep training in healing but..." Auburn jaw firmed and his head rose in a subconscious shadow of his earlier conviction. "I'm going to start training as a fighter as well. I wish I didn't have to but the world isn't a good place and I need to be able to protect what good there is, and not depend on everyone else to do it for me."

OOC: yeah like he said. Start doing stuff. Warrior training... hunts... medic training... I don't care what but if your wolf wants to stay in Ebony they need to be more active and if they want a rank they need to prove they can handle it. Demotions WILL happen if wolves aren't earning their current ranks. Hop to it, Ebony. Chop chop.

"Talk" "You" Think