
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)



2 Years
12-27-2014, 09:56 PM

For a long moment Kassander looked at her. Instead of shrinking form his gaze Sindri stared back, her gaze unwavering. She couldn't claim to be a mind reader, but in this instead she didn't need to be one. Her brother's feelings were written all over his face. After answering a question posed by one of the other members, the young monarch began to address those gathered. Sindri found herself nodding to his words; agreeing, almost whole-heartedly, with what he had to say. When he spoke of evil she stilled, going ridged in awareness and frustration. There was evil. Some of it deliberate, some of it innocent, but regardless of what form it took, there was indeed evil. She'd experienced it firsthand.

It suddenly occurred to Sindri what she would have to do to not only support Ebony but to heal. Her heart jumped into her throat and threatened to strangle her with its fear. For several heartbeats she forgot to breath as she tried to work up the courage to draw attention to herself. What she had to do was clear to her, but finding the will to do it was hard. For a moment her fears threatened to overwhelm her, but somehow she managed to find her voice.

She stood, her spine straight and her stance proud, and addressed those gathered before her. Somehow she managed to hide the terror clawing at her throat. Her voice strong, she said, "I've seen evil." She paused, jaw working, to gaze at Kassander. They had yet to speak about her time in captivity so he stilled remained in the dark - a fact she was sooner or later going to have to rectify. Her gaze flicked away. "And we will never be rid of it. However, that doesn't mean we can't be a light in the darkness, doesn't mean we can't stand up for what is right and defend not only ourselves, but those who can't defend themselves." Squashing the fear that held her so far from her packmates, Sindri padded over to stand by Kassander in a show of solidarity. She knew by the scentmarkers that not all who called Ebony home had showed - a pity for sure. "Unity is one of our greatest weapons. If we as members aren't capable of showing a united front then what are we? Perhaps it's time for us to reevaluate what it means to be a pack."

Careful to meet the eyes of those before her, she said, "I too am interested in training. Whoever will have me, I'm interested in all fields." Already she had some healer training under her belt - the Tsanka had seen to that - but it wouldn't hurt to further her knowledge. Her fighting skills too could use a little polishing.

Speaking -- Thinking