
Calling All Monsters


05-30-2013, 12:49 PM

Let the games begin. Desdemona had spoken with the ivory knight, filling him in on her thoughts about hosting the tournament alongside Nnoitra in order to reestablish the pack. Part of him was disappointed that he would have to start all over again, like if he were rejoining the pack, but his woman was queen now and what she said was law. So if she wanted to host a tournament in order to hand out ranks, then he would be right there, ready to battle whoever he had to in order to secure a fitting rank for himself. It would be nice of she could hold some kind of favor towards him, since he was after all her mate, but he didn't expect any. She had to demonstrate to Tortuga that she was a just leader and that not even her beloved had a preference over anyone else. A little thing like playing favorites could chip away at her power and at this point that was unacceptable.

And so just like she had said, on the day of the tournament he wasn't surprised to hear her beautiful voice calling out to the Tortguan wolves once again, summoning them for the tournament. Demonio wasted no time, making haste from their den to the barren site his queen had chosen to be the site of the tournament. There were already other packmates present, none of which he recognized but that he was sure he would alteast know of by the end of this. Powerful limbs propelled the large ivory brute through the crowd, easily maneuvering through the masses to make his way towards his woman. He paused before the elder brute, a bow of the head being presented. Sir Nnoitra. He rumbled, acknowledging his presence before he took the last few steps to Desdemona. A gentle nudge was presented to her nape, a subtle gesture to show that despite her being now the queen, she belonged to him and no one else. He turned to face the rest of the pack, standing nearly at her side, dual hued gems flickering over the growing wolves, awaiting for the start of the tournament. This was sure to be interesting.

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