
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)


12-28-2014, 02:09 AM
He couldn't stop smiling, his grin splitting his features from ear to ear as he padded along behind Gaia languidly. They were following a trail they had walked a number of times from their tree but Kass was calling from a completely different territory...? Solo would blink and look to Gaia but she pushed into the deeper snow with little to no issue and he would follow diligently. They would soon find the path everyone else must have taken and Solo would relax a bit more, maybe a bit too much. Gaia would be sent tumbling from it within a few paw falls and Solo's grin would immediatly disappear, eyes snapping wide as he watched in horror as her frail frame dropped to the ground. It was quite a bit of muss and fuss to get her up, Solo demanding that they go home for her to rest and her urging him to carry on. Worry weighted down his heart but he would allow her to lean her weight on him and guide her the rest of the way to the meeting.

They would arrive late, Kass already speaking to the gathered wolves and Solo would nod his head in greeting and offer a soft smile to his mate's brother. He would follow her to Kass so they could speak, keeping close to her as they moved to stand before Kass. Gaia wanted to train? "After your paw is better..." He would murmur, pressing his face into her should before looking to Kassander and smiling cheerfully. "Everything seems to be going well. It's about time we settled I think. We would like to stay with you if you would allow, put me to use wherevER needed." He would murmur softly, used to never speaking loudly in Gaia's presence.