
purge this poison from my veins


12-28-2014, 03:12 AM
She would lift herself from her spot nestled around her children, head lifting slowly as she looked out of the den with narrowed gaze. Maybe today would be the day, the day she purged the will from her most rambunctious child. The day she put the fear of god into his tiny soul... A slow smile would slither across her lips before neck would arch and she would attempt to nudge Toxin, her big blue monster child, looking to rouse him from the nest of his siblings. "Come my boy. It's time to hunt monsters..." Her voice was soft deapite narrowed eyes, aly smile slithering across inky lips. He wouldnt be much help, his milk teeth almost useless but it was time he be subject to her world and what his world would one day be. She would rouse herself, standing and slipping towards the mouth of their den. Her dear boy... So much like her father and yet so much like her, a mixture that could really only be trouble. Horned best would move from the confines of her den, moving into the slowly melting snow and warm breeze. Summer was coming.