



7 Years
12-28-2014, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2014, 11:10 PM by Kassander.)

After his speech at the meeting about Ebony needing to wake up, about everyone needing to pull their own weight and about the pack needing to be more involved in the world, how could Kassander justify staying within his own borders and ignoring the other packs around them? Fear, that was all that kept him there. And it wasn't like he didn't leave Ebony for other things. He'd ventured out for herbs plenty of times. But the thought of leaving to go talk to other alphas was terrifying. Just the phrase "other alphas", counting himself among them, felt pretentious and... wrong. But he really believed the things he'd said about that meeting. He needed to do this.

He could have visited his closest neighbors, but Kass knew himself well enough to know that if he started with the closest neighbors he might not ever actually go to any of the other packs at all. So he'd steeled himself to head north, south, and west before he returned home to the east. As far as he knew there were no packs on the southern continent so he wouldn't go so far down as that, but he did head to the two packs he knew were in the south of this continent.

Standing on the border of the first pack, he could feel his ears trembling, but before he could rethink the whole trip and just take off again he raised his muzzle and called out. The howl cut short, and the boy felt he could just melt into the ground and he'd be happier, but he stayed put. He did sit despite the snow, the posture doing something to disguise the way his knees seemed to want to knock together. At least if his teeth started chattering it would look like he was just cold from sticking his butt in snow.
