
lionheart [bacchus]



2 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 02:40 PM
The stranger before him seemed incredibly distracted, and with Bac's slow approach it was no wonder he had not been heard. Even the click of his own claws against the shimmering stones were not enough to pull this stranger from his thoughts, only the greeting Bacchus would offer would have any success. The short hello would cause the other wolf to jump almost out of his skin. Bacchus would retreat a bit, almost surprised himself as the stranger's eyes found his own. Remembering who he was though the young boy would puff out his chest and stand tall, always look your best.

He would be studied for a long moment, as he would take the chance to do so as well. This stranger was not so much bigger than himself, though would still easily be able to take him down if he tried. Bacchus was inexperienced still, and his fearlessness did not match his skill. Though he felt his anxiety fall as the smile wound its way over the chocolate man's lips. He would turn to face Bacchus, and offer a hello of his own. Bacchus would find his lips turning up slightly as he dipped his head in an additional greeting.

Before he could say anything more, the song would continue as he asked if he were trespassing. Bacchus too would look around almost nervously, if this other ma was trespassing so was he. "Not that I know of," He'd comment as he looked around similarly. "I didn't smell anyone but you," the boy would go on to say, watching curiously at the stranger. "Bacchus Armada," he would introduce himself. "Explorer." He would add, as his family had yet to give him a real title he could boast.