
Without you there



5 Years
12-28-2014, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 05:52 PM by Novella.)
i heard the church bells from afar

Cry. Yes she had certainly found that one alright, there had been no fighting it really and even now exhausted from crying she still felt that this was likely to only be the start of the floods. There was still so many people to share the news with and of course though she had acknowledged the fact they were gone, it still felt so unreal, she hadn't yet truly come to terms with the fact that she wouldn't be able to see her mother or father again.

Her children. They would never get to know their grandparents properly, they had been so young when they got ill, and now so much of their time had been spent in isolation that Aslan, Varda and Herne hadn't been able to see them. She had of course brought them on visits to see Frith, though he had been far better than her parents, point proven now with the thankful fact that he was still here and almost back to normal.

Tears were threatening again already and she shook her head sadly, burying her nose once more into Frith's fur. She couldn't fill their role, she could never fill their role. Already she had been doubting herself as of late, and that emotion would only grow now. Never would she have made it this far without them, they'd both helped her so much in the past year alone. Life of course kept on going, there was still so much that needed to be done for the pack and her children but she couldn't face it right now, she just wanted to curl up here with Frith until all of this went away. "I still need them. They can't be..." Again she struggled to finish the sentence, couldn't bring herself to say the word 'gone'.

we found each other in the dark