
Let You Down



05-30-2013, 03:13 PM

Cifer hadn't expected her to be in the den, but it was a pleasant surprise when she gasped his name and then rushed to meet him. Her nose pressed against him for a brief moment before she drew close and Cifer closed the distance between them. He embraced her like it had been years since they had seen one another. The male had been gone for far too long. It'd been a justified reason, but a selfish one. He should have never left in the first place. Would she hold it against him? More importantly would his kids hold it against him? He'd left when he should have been taking the time to get familiar with them. Already he felt as though he was failing as a parent.

Eyes examined her for a moment as a worried look crossed his eyes. They roved her body looking for any more recent wounds or anything that might have recently marred her. To his relief he found nothing. She looked healthy and well and the scent of their kids was almost overwhelming. At least all three seemed to be alive and well along with her. Where were they? It would be a question he would ask at a later time.

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry. I should have never left. I couldn't find him."

He hated admitting his failure. Recently it seemed as though he couldn't accomplish much. To him failure wasn't much of an option and half of him wanted to get back out there and look again. Walk until he could walk no more. Search until there was no place left for the bastard to hide, but the other half of him told him to stay here. In the end the call of family would win. He only had so long left. He couldn't go out and find the monster and fight him. The risk of him getting killed was high. He was aging, getting weaker, and couldn't recover as quickly from wounds. It would be a suicide mission. He had the obligation of staying with his family until they days he and Crusade died. He had to make sure he was there and be a good parent. He wouldn't abandon them like his parents had.

"How are the kids? And yourself?

He was almost speechless. After so long of not seeing her he felt ashamed for his actions. It was almost awkward. Hesitant eyes strove to meet hers. He had missed her and the others a lot. Her and the kids most of all.

[ooc: and sudden lack of muse. I'm surprised I got this far with it. :/ Sorry Clash]
