
is it any wonder



3 Years
12-28-2014, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2014, 07:09 PM by Talvi.)
There was certainly a bit of an adjustment period to be expected and deserved. A lot had changed in the time Talvi had been away and whilst she had been back for a while now, the idea that home had changed so unexpectedly and unknowingly still unnerved her rather deeply. She had no qualms with Drashiel or Roman but this wasn't the home she'd left and to come back to it was still rather strange. She had her same position though at the very least and could submerge herself in duties for a distraction, they after all didn't really change much at all.

Family had changed though too. When she had left, Athena and Vereux had happily been expecting children, when she returned she had four nephews, Vereux had gone and Amalia now took his place supporting Athena in raising the boys. Talvi kept an eye on them, would do what she could but for the most part she was somewhat clueless as to how to help. She was still adjusting to children to be honest, very glad that she herself wasn't a mother though her body had decided to remind her that physically she was ready to be one. That too had left her rather uncomfortable for a time, her heat fading now fortunately though it had taken far too long to do so.

She found herself wandering through the red forest now. When Isardis' Glaciem had been at its largest and most spread out these trees had belonged to them, she'd explored them as a child and had taken up that habit again now, familiarising herself once more with the lands. She knew her way around them rather well again, though her walks continued simply for the sake of it. Patrols, general checks on the pack, hunting, she had plenty of reasons to carry on with it really.

Her nephew would apparently be one of them now, her nose catching his scent before her eyes would spy his form. Bacchus she recalled. The boy had a rather distinctive appearance, one a human might have described as an unfinished colouring with that streaks and spots of white marring his fur. She would pause now, choosing to spend some time with him if he wished. It wasn't often she caught them alone like this and a chance to get to know them better, to put herself a little more ease around the children was a good opportunity. "Hello" She greeted, stepping forwards into view and moving over towards him. "Hiding from your brothers?" She hoped the four boys would keep close though it seemed it was a rather impossible challenge for the Armada family. How many of her aunts, uncles and siblings had scattered? Far too many.