
I can't do this on my own


05-30-2013, 03:17 PM

She had found her mother! Of all the things in the world she was most thankful for, it was her mother and her brother Iniko, her only remaining family in the world. When she'd first stumbled into Alacritis and gotten lost, her hope of finding her family had been small. How could she, when this new place was bigger than any place she had ever been in before? It had only been by fate's good graces that she had managed to stumble into momma and Iniko. The future didn't look so bleak anymore. She'd been afraid that maybe she would have to start her new life in this place on her own and she might probably never see her family ever again. But that wasn't the case anymore. She was back with her family and things were going to be okay again.

Since returning with Momma and Niko, Seraphiel had discovered that they had somewhat become part of a pack, which explained the strangeness to their once familiar scents. As her mother had explained more in depth, they were being sheltered by the pack called Glaciem, one that lived in a really cold place where this white stuff called snow stuck to the ground. Momma had talked about a man named Gargoyle, the chief as she had referred to him. He was the one who had allowed her mother and brother to take residence in his pack for the time being. They were sheltered, whatever that meant. He didn't sound like a bad guy and Sera was curious. She wanted to meet this chief man and see if maybe she could be in his pack with her mother and brother.

It was a difficult thing for the young russet girl to do, with her not being acquainted with the territory of this new place, but she managed to find the pack where her family was residing in; Glaciem. Not without the help of her mother of course, since she was still rather hesitant and unsure of her new surroundings. It was a big place, just like the rest of the land. She wasn't exactly sure what she was looking at, given that she had never been in a landscape like this one before. There were trees obviously. Those were like everywhere. Big rock formations outlined the horizon and she assumed those to be mountains, her mother had referenced them before. As far as how to oriente herself, Seraphiel was lost. She allowed her nose to guide her as she reached what she assumed to be the pack border, the strangeness that coated her family's scent becoming more prominent. Russet and onyx stained frame came to a halt, sapphire gems gazing out into the unfamiliar territory. This had to be it right? Her nose couldn't be wrong. At least she hoped it wasn't. That could be bad. She turned back to glance at her mother and brother, whom she had left behind in her rush to reach the borders. Momma, Niko, c'mon! she urged, wanting them to catch up already.

Russet dome was tipped towards the skies, lips curling together as she released a beckoning howl into the atmosphere, calling to the chief Gargoyle or any other authority figure in the area. She dropped her call after a moment, gaze resuming its scan of the terrain. Seraphiel could only wonder as she stood at the border of Glaciem, awaiting the arrival of someone. A rustling at her side caught her attention, causing her to turn away from Glaciem to glance at her small family. Finally, momma and Niko had caught up. A gentle push was given to her mother's side before she turned to Niko, swatting him playfully with her dark tail, glad that she was with them again.

OOC: Seraphiel's family will post first please, and then either Gargie or Oceana, or both if you guys want c:

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