
The gun to my holster



5 Years
Extra large
12-28-2014, 11:08 PM

Slinking through the snow, Laufey let his ears and eyes guide him. He was on the hunt. For what exactly he didn't know, but it was about time he ate. Seriously, it was like two whole days since his last meal. He was practically withering away. If he wasn't careful he was going to be skeletal in a few days.

His gaze wandering, the titan's eyes lit upon a pleasing form. She wasn't quite what he had been looking for given the ache in his midsection, but being new to the "girls are pretty" world Laufey was immediately enchanted. He padded closer, eying the unknown fem.

Laufey had been cut adrift since the fall of Yfir. He wandered from family member to family member, using Katja and Kaprasius, and Esti as safe places. Orochi was gone again. The boy shouldn't have been surprised by that, but he was. A bit hurt too, but there was no point in dwelling on it.

Nearing the girl, he was surprised to see just how tall she was. Save for Esti, this unknown fae was easily the tallest girl he'd ever seen. "Few see the world from this high up." He commented before tipping his head at her in greeting. "Laufey Finnvi, my lady. It's not every day I meet another giant."


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.