
smooth as a cactus



2 Years
12-29-2014, 12:42 AM
The brute had grown to full size, two years old and although he was not as bulky as he would be if he had been raised in a pack, he was still an impressive brute by most standards. Sharp teeth glinted beneath dark lips, lips that would lift in a sneer as he paced forward. He was an adult now - gone were the long awkward limbs of a yearling, gone was the puppy plumpness and ears too large for his face. Gone was the naivety of his childhood, believing that his bloodline was all that it took to achieve greatness. An inherit hope in family was cast aside, but the possessiveness was still there. They were still his, and he theirs, he simply had to find them and see what they had been up to. Hopefully they were strong and doing well, but he doubted the girls had managed to stay out of trouble. Although his mother had cast them aside, they were still his sisters to him. He had shared a den with them, shared a childhood. They wouldn't completely get rid of him even if they wanted to.

He would admit though, his wanderlust had definitely gotten the best of him, as well as his inability to care about those he saw as lesser than him. Quite a bit of the latter he had grown out of, realizing that he was only as strong as his accomplishments - which were, as of the moment, nothing. Grunting, the brute would finish his climb to the top of the cliffs, sitting among the flowers that littered the frosted ground. They smelled overly sweet, and filled his head with a calming sensation for a moment - one that diminished quickly and left the red male feeling prickly and agitated. He wasn't really sure whether company would soothe the feeling or make it that much worse.