
Standing toe to toe


12-29-2014, 12:59 AM
OOC- since i never got around to making a cat/falk thread....

Rage spewed from every pour on her body. Her husband had decided to release their precious gem, the russet man. She paced endlessly until she caught wind of her beloved scent. Without hesitation she would follow until she found the pair Her hackles bristled as her eyes narrowed. Lips peeled back to reveal ivory daggers. "Leaving so soon?" Ears pinned against her skull as she aimed to position herself well within his path. Her coral gaze rested on his russet face, unable to see anyone but the woman who looked so much like him. Perhaps they were related? Her tail would curl dominantly over her hips as she absorbed his malnourished appearance. "I was just coming to enjoy you." Her words were a deceptive purr, dripping from her lips like honey. She would ignore her husband, giving little care for what he thought, her sole focus was the pitiful man before her. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she watched him, eyes glinting with wicked intent. His blood had not spilled and oh how she longed to be the one to do so.