
Standing toe to toe



8 Years
Athena I
12-29-2014, 01:37 AM

Sibelle. Even now he owed her. He was her brother, he was supposed to protect her, but even now it seemed like he had failed and she had somehow managed to secure his freedom. Falk wouldn't give any other comment to that, only an understanding nod before the black man began to move and Falk would follow behind. He wasn't entirely where Kylar was taking him, but he wouldn't complain. For all he knew one wrong move and his captor could change his mind. Surprise of all surprises, he looked up to see the remnants of an Elk and heard Kylar give him an invitation to help himself to it. Falk glanced from Kylar to the carcass with disbelief. For a moment he was tempted to gracefully decline the offer so he could leave more quickly, but part of him knew the trip back home was going to be a struggle without any food in his belly.

Oh but it wouldn't be that simple would it? The moment he went to take a step toward the Elk the silver woman he vividly remembered from the day he was captured. Cataleya. She swept in and stood in his path, making it all too clear that she had not approved his release. Falk's icy gaze glanced for a brief moment toward Kylar before settling on the woman's magenta gaze once more. He was tired, emotionally and physically. He tasted freedom for the briefest moment, truly thought that he might see his children and his wife again, but it looked like that might not be the case. He did not flinch from Cataleya's gaze and her sweetened, poison soaked words, nor did he feel the need to return with aggression. He stood there stock still, his gaze hard and cold. "What a shame that I can't say the same," was all he said in his rumbling, hoarse, bass tones. Would Kylar still keep to his promise? Or was he doomed to stay a captive here?