
lionheart [bacchus]



5 Years
12-29-2014, 02:41 AM

The boy replied simply. It seemed he wasn’t trespassing, and had nothing to worry about. Wonderful – he could continue his adventuring as he liked. Of course, now the presence of a stranger was something that demanded more immediate attention than the scenery didn’t. The rock wouldn’t be going anywhere. ”Oh,” he hummed softly, a smile touching gently to his lips once more. He stood still where he was, the snowflakes falling leisurely and the breeze winding its fingers through his wild curls. The boy introduced himself (it had confused Nagendra for a second, before he realized the syllables had been a name), then tacked on a little title to go with. Nagendra’s smile broadened ever so slightly, warm and amicable as his eyes twinkled with kindness. ”Nagendra Bahri,” he introduced in turn, ”wanderer.” He tacked on his own afterthought, following the example of the boy. It was a rather fitting summary of himself. That was what he was doing at the moment – wandering, with no tethers to any one place or thing.

”You live around here, I assume?” he asked, casting his gaze once more upwards to scan the blanket of clouds that was the sky. He didn’t much wait for an answer. ”Is it always this cold?” the young man asked distractedly, his muzzle falling back down to swing to the right. As far as he could see in that direction was only more white and gray. He wasn’t terribly worried – he knew where warmer places were – but he remained curious about that way. Were there only flat plains of snow and ice? Or were there more exciting wonders to behold? Crinkling his brow slightly with focused interest, he looked back towards his company.