
Keep me warm inside our bed


12-29-2014, 07:11 PM

Many things had been on Hecate's mind for quite a while but she would cope and adjust to them as they came to her. She was nowhere close to mental and emotional stability but she did make a major strive the past week. She had been able to hunt for herself which had given her something she had no had in a while: confidence. She had successfully taken care of herself without scavenging off of what others had already taken down but the day prior she had caught a rabbit in her jaws and she had eaten it with a bit of pride in her step. This would be insignificant to some but to her it was major. She continued along her path in her usual timid and shy manner as she made steps towards improvement. She looked around for something to do when a pack's borders caught her nose. She stayed lurking a few feet away from the border because she was too scared to call for someone but she did catch the man's scent vaguely mixed in. The scent of the boy who had cleaned her recovering shoulder wound. Her eyes were wide and focused but the constant fear she lived in still remained.

"I'm your girl and you're my groom."