
Keep me warm inside our bed



5 Years
12-29-2014, 07:52 PM
Life had been rather rough lately for Novella, for Threar as a whole in fact. Numbers were dwindling and though of course she worried after the missing members of her family, it was those that would never rejoin them that kept them the most troubled. Death was never easy to deal with but as Frith had rightly pointed out to her, life continued. As an alpha, a mother and a wolf she had to step up and join it rather than simply hiding away. It was of course a task easier said than done but forcing herself into normality was surely the first step to at least pretending things would be ok.

And so here she was patrolling the borders or at least making a show of attempting to. Her mind certainly didn't feel sharp and senses paid less attention than normal to the key details. It was out of habit that she wandered the lands, her paws guiding her over the familiar paths and heart only half in the task really. And yet somehow she would manage to catch the scent of a stranger nearby, and her eyes would pick out the unfamiliar form lurking ahead.

This was where she was supposed to actually play the part of an alpha.

The momentary pause before she did move into action. She was surprised to be honest to see the stranger near her lands, it had certainly been a while since such an occurrence, and it didn't help that generally a wolf would call as well to let you know they were there. None the less, silent or not there was someone there and Novella would continue closer to the edge of the lands to approach the her.

Lack of sensitivity fortunately didn't run in the family, and unlike Sorrel's tactless meeting with the poor girl, Novella was able to sense the fearĀ  that haunted the stranger. She'd stop hopefully before she reached too close, praying that the reason for this worry wasn't some sort of danger that could follow her to Threar. The last thing they needed was trouble. "Hello there." She spoke softly, dominance and threats certainly weren't needed here, fortunately for Novella wasn't sure she had the energy to deal with anyone like that right now. "I am Novella Destruction, Author of Threar. Are you alright?"