
Mirror, Mirror; You Keep Me Well


12-30-2014, 11:46 AM
Ooc:: ;w; <3 This table is gorgeous Eldar, thankies!

Félicien was recovering, thank the gods, thanks to one he knew always had his back. The twin brothers were different, so very different, yet there was one thing Féli would never doubt; they were there for each other. The larger of the two twins, though seemingly the one more strong, was the one to fall badly ill twice in his life. But he came back, as he always would thanks to the care of his kin. The golden boy knew as long as he had his family in a way he was invincible. They were his strength, his cure to any disease, the answer to any problem. Though he wasn't back one hundred percent just yet Félicien was getting there. Now all that was left was to make his full recovery and do more for his pack.

Morning rose over the snow covered territory, light coming through the gray clouds. It was early-ish, but not too early that others wouldn't be awake. Féli wasn't sure if his brother was awake or not but he had been up since dawn, searching for some gifts for his brother to thank him for taking such care of him when he was ill. His tail was wagging, light back in his eyes, and a skinny hare clenched between his jaws, as well as a bit of some strong, long plant he found sticking out of the water. It was called horestail, though not being a healer as his brother and mother were, didn't know the name for it. The young male honestly just hoped that it could be of use to his sibling.

Félicien would stop before Sorrel's den, setting the hare and plant down and letting out a bark. "Wake-y Wake-y Sorrel! I come bearing gifts!"

"Listen To Me Talk," 'but read my thoughts.'