
We are together now


12-30-2014, 01:51 PM
How could she think otherwise? Her looks were beautiful, calling to him. Besides, it had been far too long since they had just been able to enjoy each other's company, packs dividing them. It was hard to focus when you were with a loved one after such a time. Being together, truly and completely, well, that was all Allen really cared about right now. He wasn't necessarily thinking to just neglect the others of Abaven, or to shirk the duty of helping collect herbs. But after all he had gone through, and Nona as well, didn't they deserve a bit of time to be selfish and just be together? The herbs could wait an hour or two. Concentrating on his end was hard enough, and it was a relief when Nona shifted her focus.

Allen was caught off-guard, his beloved landing upon him and causing a slight stumble. A laugh left his maw, his dark eyes shining. "...and I love you, Nona." The calico brute would gently push back, keeping his strength in check so as to not topple the female completely to the ground. A playful growl would leave his muzzle, the gentleman granting himself permission to forget his age. Right now he just wanted to focus on the moment. With his shove he sought to shift his body away just a bit in preparation to dart forward. He wanted Nona to chase him, to feel the wind in their fur as they ran.

The day was truly light.