
Until We Meet Again



7 Years
12-30-2014, 02:40 PM
Nako tried his best at being the new head of the family as the eldest son but it just felt off. Bane his father, was gone, and with it his mother's will to live. In it's place an almost frightening lack of care for the newborn Espirit and inattention to anything other than journeying to the mimosa tree to be with her husband. A frail and alarmingly thin she-wolf was in her place now, his two brothers minding her alongside their sisters. Tahlia needed... he honestly didn't know anymore. The adult wolf had been hit especially hard by the fact that he was the one to mind Bane in his elderly state and didn't notice anything wrong the day before he died. But then almost a month after his fathers death Espirit came into the world and his attention was diverted to trying to get Tahlia to eat if anything to just produce milk. A few carcasses were scattered around the fjord but Nako felt it unnecessary to rip off a hunk of meat, casting a glance up the hill to where Tahlia's den was.

Silhouetted against the pale clouds of winter the wolf saw a figure just crest the ridge out of sight. Dull russet and black of Tahlia's pelt. With a sigh Nako would decide that he would go get her, and at the very least force her to eat again now that she was by a kill with meat on it's bones. Travel up the hillside was difficult from the consistently deep levels of snow so it took some time. The bare mimosa tree was sighted, the wolf quickly trudging through the trench Tahlia had made. He saw her next to where his father was buried as he crested the ridge, a whine of sadness surfacing from his throat. Tahlia lay there, as still as good be. And as he drew closer, eyes searching her bony figure he realized that she had indeed moved on. Though not in body but in spirit. Having departed this world to find happiness with her lover.

"Mom." Nako sat back with a sniff as his throat tightened. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry mom. I wish I could say goodbye and that you'd hear me. I'm sorry I couldn't help you." The overall coolness of his mother as he nosed her cheek. The way her thin sides remained still. Two graves in two months. Nako a physical and emotional wreck as his paws scooped away the cold dirt at the base of the tree. She was laid as close as he dared to dig next to where Bane rested, putting his shoulder into the top of the dirt pile methodically until it she was covered and the surface evened out. Tahlia was buried next to the one she loved and lost. But now they could see each other again. At that thought Nako would feel a bit better, mind turning to little Espirit all alone in the den and mused if the babe would like to try some meat for the first time. Maybe surrogate him off to Destruction.