


12-30-2014, 05:26 PM
ooc; sorry for the abrupt ending! this thread is outdated thanks to me maybe we can thread them again when lia, ast + ody thread??
                    the deity suppresses the urge to scoff as the negligent silver subtly belittles her conquests against the russet armada whore { perhaps unknowingly }; yet indifference prevails upon a beguiled facade, mismatched gaze hardening with vague contempt upon the woman’s coral. for the elysius has witnessed firsthand the incompetence of her battered adversary on a multitude of occasions, and thus, remains wholly unimpressed with the arcanum regime’s ability to vanquish one who’d been broken before -- at her own paws. and despite her withering reverence towards the silver monarch and her budding empire, the tyrant remains mildly intrigued by the prospect of totally obliterating an adversary, training her pupils to cataleya’s own even as the queen’s speech subsides -- contemplatively. it is not until the silver’s query perforates the silent atmosphere that the deity’s apathetic guise fragments, a singular brow quirking with incredulity. the coward,” the elysius enunciates, her vocals entirely monotonous. “its queen who ran not only from war --” she pauses, eyes narrowing minutely with abhorrence, “-- but from me.”

calculating pupils divert from the monarch’s and pinpoints the location where she presumes the armada whore’s kingdom lurks, a tentative scowl rupturing the indifference of her mutilated countenance just briefly. silence prevails for a prolonged moment before the deity’s attention reverts to cataleya, chiseled haunches vacating their perch upon the soil as she maneuvers into closer proximities to the brooding wraith. she halts adjacent to the woman’s left side until their front halves overlap, feeling the warmth radiate off of cataleya’s silver flesh and unto her own -- almost dangerously. “should it come to war, you may find an unexpected ally on your side,” she states rigidly before brushing past the woman and parting through the shadows that dutifully consume her rugged form.

--exeunt artemis