
Paws and Claws


05-31-2013, 03:21 AM
Allaire watched Jupiter's look of wonder and a bit of confusion at her question; Allaire could see her struggle with the wording for her answer, which made the naive girl tilt her head at the large alpha. She could not even start to think how so much water could even exist in one place, the river had been a shock to her, but what would a never ending sight of water look like? It was such a mind blowing idea to her. But she would keep that little wonder to herself, and go on an adventure and fine this magical thing.

But first food. Allaire understood why Jupiter may have a hard time catching the main thing in Allaire's diet, for one the big woman was large, and mass means movement was generally slower, and besides why learn to lizard hunt when you could eat hare everyday? "I have only seen a river once, and fish even less, I dont even know the first thing about fishing, but I still don't think I want to eat them, they look gross." Allaire stuck her tongue between her teeth to show the Alpha just how gross she thought the little water living creatures where. With that Allaire let her tail wag as the orange dame gave her permission to go catch her fill, with that the small girl bounded off onto a pare of nearby rocks, she sat her rump down and waited. It would not take long for her to pounce on a few reptiles and swallow them, and after a two in her belly Allaire returned to the dams side with a large smile on her face.

It was then that the leader nodded at the girl, seeming to be pleased with what she saw, It seemed that the little lobo had passed whatever test was set before her, and had found her way into the first pack that she meet while away from home, it was her first adventure, she had saw many wonders that still blew her mind; water that fell from the sky more then once a year, lights that flashed in the sky, grass that grew past her chest, things that dwarfed her, and many other wonders that where left to see. Oh yes, Allaire was looking forward to life, and its many challenges, and most of all she was looking forward to all the new friends that she was going to make in this strange sand less land that she had found her way into.