
Keep me warm inside our bed


12-31-2014, 11:02 AM

The woman was trying to calm her down but it didn't do much. Hecate was still shaking uncontrolably from a mixture of the cold and the general fear that she was in all of the time. Hecate gulped as the woman asked once more if she was alright. "N-no. M-man-many th-things wrong." Her words matched the feebleness of the last one as she kept her head positioned to look at the ground. "Do not look at me, you failure." Words ran through her head as parts of her past came to be told out amongst the crowd inside her head. Pandora had been particularly fond of those words and crueler things still.

She couldn't do this. Why hadn't she just ran like she normally did? Probably because out of panic she would have run the wrong way and trespassed or something. Hecate looked down on herself so much that it wouldn't surprise her that it would be that one time she'd screw up on the only thing she was good at: running. She gulped, her lips flying across her lips as she continued to just stand there, shaking, and staring at the ground. The mottled woman was far from okay.