
lionheart [bacchus]



5 Years
12-31-2014, 05:02 PM

”Ah,” was his only simple response as the boy spoke about the cold. He continued to glance about, observing as if he might find something other than endless white and gray. It was good to know that it didn’t get much colder though. He blinked against the cold that dried his eyes, and shifted his attention back to the boy whose company he was in. He seemed somewhat… indifferent. Plain. Of course, then again, he couldn’t expect everyone to be greeting a stranger with open arms and grins. This child must’ve been a decent bit cautious – wise for his age.

The pale wolf took a seat, more comfortable in his presence now, Nagendra observed. When the question the youth extended to him reached his ears, it lit a gentle, amused smile upon his face. ”Nowhere,” he said simply, inwardly feeling pride and satisfaction. It was a pleasing idea – the lack of tethers and obligations. He briefly remembered his birthplace, with some amount of faded fondness. It had been a sanctuary – someplace any except those who had the privilege of growing up there would love to pass their life by in. With a lively jungle around a waterfall oasis, the days had been warm and the prey plentiful. It was paradise. Though how was one to know what paradise was when they had never known the suffering of cold nights and empty stomachs? Nagendra had been aware that his home was a treasure; it had not been out of ignorance that he had left it, but out of boredom and a lust for learning. He had to see the world outside, and so here he was. So far, everything had been going wonderfully.

Returning from a brief reminiscence, he tilted an ear towards Bacchus. ”Do you and your family live out here, in the snow?” he questioned, slightly presuming about the boy having a family. He was mostly curious as to where someone would live amongst all this apparent monotony. ”Or are you alone?” he lifted a single brow ever so slightly. The boy did seem a tad… mysterious. And if he was all alone, well… Nagendra had a soft spot for those in need.