
Calling All Monsters


05-31-2013, 12:17 PM

Desdemona reclined to her haunches, watching as the masses strolled to meet her. Several came to observe, that meant the games, beginning in a few short days would be packed with her wolves...excellent. They thought the games would be far more simple, they would be wrong, Desdemona intended to test far more than their ability to simply hunt. No they would not win a position simply because they could bring down a deer. Viridiana would be the first to speak, introducing her brother. He had the nerve to avoid her pack meeting and instantly her gaze turned harsh, she would relax, however as he gave his reasoning's, crown dipping in acceptance.

"We will discuss whatever mission you had set out to accomplish after the tournament." Her lyrics would fall blunt and to the point. She watched the rest arrive many speaking nothing or very little, this was fine with her, Desdemona had no preferences. Her mate would arrive last and she would allow her head to dip in greeting as he approached her, the soft nuzzle was returned, just the barest hint of affection as he perched close to her. She would wait a decent amount of time for the ranks to present themselves and when they had, Desdemona would rise to stand, mud sliding from her limbs as the rain continued to pelt the earth.

"Welcome, I am looking for a great deal more than just a test of skill and strength. Just because you win a match does not mean you win the title. Honor, respect, dignity... I have no need for a second that is unpredictable and wild... remember this when you display your skills. The first matches will be as follows, Juno versus Tikaani , Viridiana versus Esperance, and Demonio versus Kylar. Good luck." Her lyrics would fall swift and to the point awaiting the matches to begin.

(((OOC: So since not everyone was clear if they wanted to participate in the tournament itself, I assumed these six were, if I let out your wolf just shoot me a PM and I'll throw them in! You all get to decide terms and conditions, obviously no maiming or killing and you all get to decide on rounds, although I would prefer at least four. Shrap and I will be judging them away from the judging rubric because we're not looking for just fighting skills ;) Make separate threads for the fights so this thread doesn't become a clusterfuck xD)))
