
Crossing Borders

Rune I


5 Years
01-01-2015, 01:38 AM

Walk | Talk | Think
Rune had decided, in an odd, spur of the moment, half-insightful-half-mad sort of way, that he needed to get out of the pack lands. Not permanently - Secretua meant too much to him, to his family, for him to ever think of abandoning it, not to mention he still enjoyed being a leader for those who chose to stick around and follow his direction. But he had noticed the pack's numbers beginning to dwindle away. First one wolf would fail to make a presence for themselves, and then another, and then another. Each month seemed to drag someone else away from their pack despite his best efforts to keep them there. He knew pack life was not for all, but it irked him that they would leave without a notice. 

He had begun considering the fact it might have been the types of wolves he was recruiting. Much of his efforts had been spent within the Battlefield, a place he was now realizing where only the desperate sought to find themselves a home. Maybe only the poor quality of wolves traveled there. Maybe he needed to broaden his horizons in other ways and search in places that he might never have thought to search. 

It was certainly a good enough premise behind him being here of all places. Although technically he was not altogether here at all. The grey wolf stood upon the border of the territory, peering inside with a sort of perverse curiosity that expressed itself in the pinched, wrinkled state of his nose and the furrow upon his brow. The Range was certainly not his first choice. It held too many poor memories for him, too much discomfort for him to really think of venturing beyond the boundary upon which he stood. He knew, or at least the rational side of him knew, that he was being foolish to continue associating the bad that had taken place here with the empty territory, but still he could not entirely shake it. It was not a sentiment easily overlooked. 

Rather than venture within and scope out the Range proper, still somewhere inside and protected by the wild and overgrown vegetation paired with unnatural and dilapidated fences, Rune paced along its edge, peering inward and wondering if anyone had chosen to reside here in the absence of his previous joke of a pack.