
Revenge [Morgan]



05-31-2013, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2013, 01:32 PM by Chrysanthe.)
Evelette vs. Morgan for the Right to Breed

Round 1

clarity: 7 / 10 Which side of Evelette did she launch herself at? Which side of Evelette's face did Morgan aim for?

powerplaying: 8 / 10 Be careful with what ifs - do not mention how your opponent can react, only write out your character's actions.

defenses: 3 / 10 Head lowered, prepared to scratch in defense of her throat.

attack: 4 / 10: One attack made to the face.

injuries: 10/ 10 No injuries, first round.

Round one Morgan Total: 32 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear, concise post.

powerplaying: 5 / 10 Morgan's attack to Evelette's face was not mentioned. Even when you dodge an attack, you have to add how and why you dodged it.

defenses: 6 / 10 head low, ears pinned, tail balanced,

attacks: 4 / 10 One attack to Morgan's shoulder.

injuries: 10 / 10 No injuries, first round.
First round

Round one Evelette Total: 36 / 50

Round 2

clarity: 7 / 10 Which side of Evelette's legs and chest did she lunge at and aim for?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 6 / 10 Ears flattened, head low, head pulled back, claws prepared to scratch

attack: 5 / 10 One attack to Evelette's face.

injuries: 6 / 10 four puncture wounds in her shoulder, torn slightly.

Round Two Morgan Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 6 / 10 Your first attack has already been made, and Morgan pulled away. You can't say she crunched down and made a previous attack worse after the attack has been made and reacted to.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing

defenses: 10 / 10 weight balanced on all four paws, tail sticking out for balance, ears pinned against her skull, head lowered, knees bent

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's scruff.

injuries: 7 / 10 puncture wounds to the chest.

Round Two Evelette Total: 38 / 50

Round 3

clarity: 8 / 10 Which ear was torn?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 1 /10 a paw thrown up in defense, but which front paw is not mentioned

attack: 5 / 10 One attack to Evelette's throat/lower jaw.

injuries: 5 / 10 Torn flesh along the back of her neck, ripped ear

Round Three Morgan Total: 29 / 50


clarity: 8 / 10 Which side did Evelette jump to? Which side of her cheek and snout was injured?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 8 / 10 Knees bent, Tail arched for balance, ears pinned, weight placed on back legs

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's shoulder

injuries: 7 / 10 scrapes along her cheek and snout from Morgan's teeth.

Round Three Evelette Total: 38 / 50

Round 4

clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 2 /10 Jaws agape

attack: 3 / 10 One attack to Evelette's upper jaw. Grasping the upper jaw would be impossible with her lower jaw in Evelette's grasp.

injuries: 4 / 10 4 puncture wounds in her lower jaw, this could potentially break her jaw and even have some affect on her tongue.

Round Four Morgan Total: 29 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 Post was devoid of powerplaying.

defenses: 8 / 10 Ears pinned, weight shifted to hind end, tail positioned for balance, knees bent for balance

attacks: 6 / 10 One attack to Morgan's lower jaw, followed with a potential shaking motion.

injuries: 8 / 10 Scrapes along the top of her snout from Morgan's teeth

Round Four Evelette Total: 42 / 50

Round 5

clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying : 10 / 10 Post contained no powerplaying.

defenses: 1 / 10 paws used to keep Evelette from her stomach and throat. (althogh they are also being used to attack)

attack: 6 / 10 Two attacks made to Evelette's face. (paws and jaws)

injuries: 7 / 10 Further damage to her lower jaw.

Round Five Morgan Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear post.

powerplaying : 0 / 10 Morgan's attack and the injuries from it was not mentioned in your post. Even when it's placed in your summary, it must be put into your post.

defenses: 6 / 10 Head lowered, stance broadened, tail positioned for balance

attacks: 5 / 10 One attack made to Morgan's stomach.

injuries : 9 / 10 scratches to her mid back

Round Five Evelette Total: 30/ 50


Morgan: 158/250


And the winner is...

Evelette! Morgan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Morgan- Lower jaw injured, and the injury must be taken into consideration for 2 OOC weeks. Right ear torn nearly in two, permanent maim.

Evelette- no permanent or semi-permanent maims obtained


I have decided that Morgan raising onto her haunches in the last round, and Evelette's attack to Morgan's stomach was enough to seal her purpose for this fight. As the winner, and also because of the set up of the last round (there are few ways that attack can be dodged or ignored) she achieved her grasp on Morgan's stomach and tore deeply enough into her womb to render her incapable of childbirth.
Morgan needs to find a healer ASAP!