
Revenge [Morgan]


05-31-2013, 02:00 PM

Evelette lunged, Morgan came down upon her back, but it was for not. Her jaws, heavy and powerful coiled around the soft belly of her once sister, teeth tearing deep and piercing her flesh with serious purpose. Crunching through the delicate tissue like paper her jaws would coil around her precious womb, the very thing that had driven her to betray Evelette's fine trust and with an exaggerated rip of her skull she would free the organ from its confines. Blood, abdominal fluid and flesh raining down upon her maw like some macabre storm. As Morgan would slump down in writhing agony, Evelette would roar, a bellow of victory and of cruel satisfaction. She would spit the womans own entrails upon her, the useless clumps of flesh, muscle and tissue, landing with a dull squish as she watched the ivory woman's pelt stain red.

"You deserve your fate! Traitor! Betrayer! Burn in hell insufferable wench!" Pure venom would fall from her tones as she spat upon the writhing carcass. With a final snarl, Evelette would turn her back on the woman, heading back towards Valhalla. Her job was complete, her mission successful. Her vengeance was sated, her aggression cooled. She would return home victorious, Morgan would never be thought of again.
