
I'll Make A Man Out of You


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 12:47 PM

At last the grump of a wolf had forced himself to sleep, and had awoken to sweat coating his pelt. The nightmares seemed to never leave him alone, no matter what he tried to do. No herbs could help him, generally just staying up until he succumbed to darkness worked. But he needed to be rested for this, nothing worse than having a grumpy teacher. Sitting in the darkness of his den, Fendar calmed his heart and started to clean his fur, calming the clumps of auburn that had gathered with the sweat. Letting out a sigh, he stood and made his way out. Might as well start now, no harm done, right?

The large male blinked as he walked into the daylight, the morning still fresh as the sun was just coming over the rise. Stretching out his muscles, he groaned as his bones creaked and cracked into place. It was Spring now, meaning he was one year older. Five years old... Maybe he was an old grumpy man. Smiling, he remembered how his cousin used to tease him about being old. He missed her, and hoped that she was safe in her adventuring. Ebony was safe within Kassander's paws, he was changing it for the better. A pack of protection and training, just what this land needed.

He couldn't put this training off any more, so the brute tipped back his head and called for any wolf in Ebony that wished to train. He was probably going to go over a bit of tactical stuff before he pitted them them against themselves, he wasn't that cruel to just toss them into the water and demanding they swim. Moving to a large clearing, Fendar sat and waited for the wolves to arrive, eyes casting around.