
WAKE UP! [Fight Training]


01-02-2015, 02:56 PM
Cat will punish those who don't show up. Everyone is excepted to post by January 4th

Silver audits tipped forward curiously. A voice rang out to rally the pack. Limbs would lift her up, shaking herself free of her children. Soft protests of sleeping babes were ignored as she left the den behind, slipping into to the sunshine. Spring had taken hold. Snow was melting and prey was already beginning to return. Soon they would all be fat and happy once more. Picking up an ease lope she would cross her territory until she found herself in the moor. And soon enough before the woman who had summoned her pack. A ghost of a smirk would tug at the corner of her dark lips, coral gaze resting on the woman she had recently appointed as one of her Militants. "Eager to impress, are we?" She would murmur softly as she aimed to approach the woman head on before taking a seat to her left. Silver haunches folded beneath her, tail curling around her hips. "Perhaps now you will have your chance to prove your worth." She would comment idly, her gaze focused straight ahead as she awaited the rest of her pack to arrive. Already irritation blossomed in her chest, she had been the farthest away and was still the first to arrive. Something would have to be done about that....
