
Louder Than Thunder



8 Years
Extra large
01-02-2015, 07:55 PM

He would give her his full and utmost attention, this was her time to spill what was plaguing her soul, to find release in this life. As she began he would give a small nod of his head when she brought up her son being mentioned in one of their earlier meetings, brows lifting when she followed it up with his father joining in that realm. The story would continue on, and so the man would remain silent so that she would not be interrupted. She was the godmother of the man's other children with his current mate, they were her family and when he died she felt guilty because she felt that she didn't belong there. Felt like a burden with her presence.

Though Deviant had never found himself in such a position, and instead felt a different degree of pain from events in his life, he felt as though he understand. It was only natural to feel out of place when your once lover and offspring's parent was with another and creating life, your presence a burden, a reminder. You want them to be happy, live a full life... while unsure how that new mate how feel about you being near their children, even if they make it seem okay on the outside while harboring hate on the inside.

Destruction was unsure if she could stay here, seeing her friend dwindling away as her mate passes on with each day, children trying as hard as they possibly can to help her to keep living on. On she feels like her life is passing by without her, not sure where it is, where she should be. Age, she was feeling old but still felt that longing for love within her heart, faint. She was worried she would never be able to truly experience it, the joys of being a mother before she too passed on and was gone from the world. She questioned what her life has been for, didn't know, didn't feel like there was anything at all.

“Destruction...” His voice was low as his head reached over, bathing her neck in his own's warmth. “It is only natural to feel this way, with how things have happened in your lifetime.” His words came out as soothing, at least he tried to. “We are both oldies, but that doesn't mean the fight has left our bodies. There is still plenty of time, we can still kick time's butt.” With that he would pull his head away, nudging her chi gently with his nose and looked into her single red eyes.

“This friend, the new mate to your ex-lover.” He began, finally pulling his paw off the top of hers but keeping it beside her own. “She has a family that will help her through this difficult time, they have each other so you should not feel guilty.” With a small breath he would look out to the trees around them, snow collecting more ad more on their pelts like a blanket. “I apologise for putting it this way... but since it appears they are not trying to help you as well, despite being close to them and a godmother, then you should be selfish and take time away to repair yourself.” The look in his eyes were sincere and true, he didn't mean to cause her any pain with his words, but he needed her to know she needed to help herself if no one else would assist.

With a heavy breath he would straighten himself up, ears flicking back as a new expression foud its way onto his face. "I have shared the feeling as well, feeling lost in the world with no one to help after my mate was taken away..." He looked back to her, expression softened to a point where it could be identified as a sadness only they knew of. "Lets help each other through our hard times, I will be here for you, get you back on the path and continue fighting in this harsh world. "
