
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]



2 Years
01-02-2015, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 08:22 PM by Drashiel.)

First to arrive was the mysterious woman, Satis Armada.  A relative no doubt though Drashiel was uncertain of her exact lineage, not that it mattered terribly.  Drashiel dipped his head in greeting as the quiet femme took her place, feeling reassurance at her presence even if they weren't terribly close.  Especially as it seemed both of Regium's hunters were ill it was important for the rest of the pack to step up and make sure everyone was able to eat.  The next to approach was Satu, Drashiel grinned lightly expecting a flurry of movement and a boisterous laugh that would mark her the opposite in temperament to Satis.  

However, instead Satu would step quietly in, calm determination on her face but even so the distinct difference in her mood was something the King filed away to discuss with her at a later date.  Drashiel had the distinct feeling that something had happened.  "Good to see you again Satu, I'll explain everything in a moment."

Athena was the next to appear and he was pleased to see she was regaining some bounce to her step.  It wasn't all that long ago that Vereux disappeared, believed to be dead though a body had yet to be found.  

The last to join them was Talvi, a stout and faithful wolf if there ever was one.  Smiling he greeted her before moving to address the group.  "Thank you everyone for coming.  Last I checked both our hunters have fallen ill and with new life blooming in Regium and winter still strangling this land it's more important than ever for us to come together for the good of the pack.  I've beet scouting our territory frequently these past weeks and about a mile north of here there's a heard of musk oxen, a few of the cows birthed early after this most recent snowstorm.  I'm hoping we can slay one of the young." True, musk oxen weren't the standard prey that they were used to hunting but change would do them all good and there would be far more meat on a young ox than on a full grown deer.

"The herd is about seven strong with two calves.  They are massive animals, bold but not with out fear. When the herd is sighted we will stalk as close as we can, when I charge I want all of you to follow me. We are to run straight at them, snarling and snapping like rabid heathens. We need to get the oxen to panic and flee so that young will fall behind." There would be no need to have a separate group sneak up behind the beasts. Doing so could startle the adults back at the first group and injury would be imminent.  "Satis and I will run straight in and startle the herd, naturally the young will fall behind.  Satu, Athena it will be your duty to select one of the calves and separate it from the herd.  Trip it, snag the haunch do what you must to aid Talvi.  Talvi the killing blow is yours, end the calf's life however you see fit.  The rest of us will aid in holding the calf down while you see to it."  Drashiel paused for a moment to see if everyone seemed to agree with this plan.  Grinning he spoke, "Now we begin."

Turning Drashiel stalked toward the north, his movements graceful in the boldness of his stride. He wound effortlessly through the trees though he still lacked the serpentine movements of his father and probably always would be lacking. Isardis was built like wind, he was built like the mountain. Strong, solid, unbent? but he would yet learn flexibility, he would yet learn to shift with the earth when it moved without cracking under the sudden strain. 

Soon they arrived to the northern border of the sparse pines, a field of short, tundra grass stretching out before them and there in the distance lay the herd. Grazing, unaware. There was still no breeze but that would change when the sun rose higher and began to move the air. Drashiel's legs coiled, ears flat against his head as he gestured for the others to do the same. Then he slunk forward, pausing occasionally as a cow started to turn her head in their direction. Cover wasn't much of an option. Well? they did want to get the oxen running. Time to close the distance. Drashiel's legs coiled tight under his body. For a moment time seemed to shudder to a halt. Then the young male sprang with a viscious snarl as he pelted full speed toward the musk oxen. Jaws snapping at the nearest cow as the beasts scattered.


Next deadline:  Jan. 9 at noon ala time.   Last I checked Elli was sick but Elli if you're able to post go ahead just have Mordecai stroll in saying he feels better and you can either help in startling the herd or separating a calf wherever you pop in.