
Down the Rabbit Hole



4 Years
01-02-2015, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2015, 10:38 PM by Baldur.)

The woman moved to lean up against him for support and he spread his legs slightly to accommodate her weight.  It didn't go unnoticed just how close she was pressing into him.  On the other side of him he noticed Linneá giving him a sidelong glance and clicking her tongue.  Baldur sighed lightly, it would only be for a bit, just til they got back to Regium.  Surely his lover would understand?"

"It's alright Baldur, let's just help her…  you know if you wanted to move on-"

"NO!"  Ohhhhh he just said that out loud.  "Sorry, I mean, you're right.  We're pack animals, certainly not meant to be loners."  Linneá giggled and he shot her a look before letting his thoughts drift to his phantom lover.  "I don't believe in that 'til death do we part crap' Linneá you know that.  When I said I was going to love you forever I meant til the end of time." Linnea reached out to nuzzle his cheek and he swore his fur stood on end from the electricity of it.  "Now pay attention, love.  You've a guest to entertain."  Like a breath of fog she dissolved and vanished.

"Umm… well I haven't been there long so I guess I don't really know.  Honestly, I was enjoying a few more steps of being a loner before I finally settle down…. again…  I'm not sure what the payment will be either or even if you'll be required to."  Baldur let out a gentle laugh.  "Sorry, guess Im' not that much help and don't worry we're still a bit out from the northern border.  By the way I'm Baldur, what's your name?  And, what was your old pack like?"
