
Breaking this Hibernaculum



5 Years
01-02-2015, 11:02 PM

Ah, at last they would arrive!  The few, the faithful.  The first among them a young woman barely a year old, quite tall and lanky.  "Nice to meet you as well Mercy, I'll introduce myself once everyone's arrived." Mercy… a curious name indeed for a would-be warrior.  Dægmar would see to it that the young woman would not spare her namesake on others in the heat of battle.  The only thing mercy bred was a chance for old enemies to return that much stronger.

A grin broke across Dægmar's face as Cascade Saxe joined the gathering.  Well, well, well!  It was a small world after all.  And she was round!  Goodness, had she gone and gotten herself pregnant?  "Cascade Saxe, you are a vision as always.  I had no idea you were in a pack.  How are your siblings handling the news?"  She could well remember her run in with the Saxe siblings.  She'd even shared her blood and body with Cascade's sister.  Ahhh… good times.  Though… Dægmar's eyes narrowed slightly.  She wasn't sure if Cascade was in any shape to be fighting.  The mottled wraith was pretty certain if she pushed just right she could send Cascade rolling right to the bottom of a hill.

Another yearling appeared, a male bearing the same marks as the female.  Siblings?  Hmm… he was certainly quiet.  Dægmar waited for a few moments.  "Wow…. this is it huh?  Where are the others?  Don't tell me Imperium suffers the sloth's disease as well… huh…" She grinned jaws clicking shut as her teeth bared.  "I'll rid them of that as well as a few of their personal belongings."  Of course this gathering was a bit more casual, but she'd know better for next time.  Seemed hellfire and brimstone was needed to bring this lot crawling out of their dens.  

Dægmar let loose another, commanding howl.  It probably wouldn't do much of any good but hey it was worth a shot.  "We'll see if we can't ring in a few more.  I'm Dægmar Thyre, I'm new to the pack but I've previously served as the lead warrior under Cataleya, the mother of your lovely alpha.  Have you two been previously trained and if so what have they gone over with you?   Cascade… do you feel you could handle a spar in your condition?  If not that's fine."  Her attention turned back to the yearlings.  "I'm assuming you two get paired against each other often if that's the case then I'll have you take me on one at a time or if you're feeling adventurous I'm game for a 2 on 1 or a three for all.  Any preference?"
