
returning warrior


01-02-2015, 11:17 PM

She slid to a stop in the door on the metal flooring, eyes looking at the exit but ears listening to Lian as he pleaded for her to come back. The only thing that really got her attention was his drop to the ground. She looked at him in worry, not sure what she could do. Neither of them had really gotten hurt before, besides when the crab pinched her nose. But this was more serious than that. It would heal, but how could she know that? She knew nothing of healing or injuries or anything! Her eye flicked back and forth between her brother and the exit, desperate to find someone who could help. But she finally came to the decision to stay.


She would sigh and start to walk back to her brother and help him back into his corner. She sniffed at his paw again, only a little more gentle. She was about to unload her questions furiously onto Lian, her face not coming far from his. She wasn't so much mad as confused, her words coming out more of a whine than a yell.

"What did you do? Why'd you feel the need to fight someone? You could have at least pushed him down and ran away."

Well, pushing someone down wasn't good enough... not even for Zola. She was still standing over him, her eyes narrowed and still full of worry. Surely, he didn't want to hear all this crap from her.

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