
you've started to bore me



3 Years
01-03-2015, 01:31 AM

The male turned, thankfully. Moving didn't really seem all that good right now. The fiery man strode toward her, a warm smile on his face. Well, he seemed nice. A lazy grin of her own crept onto her features, triple hued banner thumping against the stone beneath her a few times. She even managed a casual bob of her head in greeting, listening to his apologies for missing her. She shrugged, waving it away with a small paw. "'S no big deal man," She assured him, shaking her head lightly. When he asked why she was here, the dark lass suddenly realized she had absolutely no clue exactly why she was here. Another heavy shrug of her narrow shoulders, tiara tilting to mimic the sweeping look over their surroundings she'd just watched the male do. However, her head lolled a little, as if she was about to pass out. However, the patchwork darling was all that tired. She was just relaxed to the extreme.

"Uh, not really sure." She drawled, brows knitting together for a moment. That train of thought was quickly abandoned. Did it really matter? She was just here, no biggie. "'S quiet," She murmured, tongue continuing even when her mind had already left the topic behind. "peaceful, you know?" She sighed, blinking slowly at him. Honestly, it was astounding she wasn't like this more, but how often did one happen upon cannabis and the like? She was too much of a wanderer to bother with a stash, so she just seized whatever chances she could get. After a moment of silence, she tilted her head curiously. " What 'bout you?" She hummed, quirking a brow.
