
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2013, 07:54 PM

Epiphron failed to show disappointment at their hunting search which was, thus far, completely unlucky. She had arrived expecting to bond with her cousin, and in that endeavor they were proving to be successful. But she would continue to search, albeit only half-heartedly, her nose occasionally twitching as she sniffed at the dirt.

She really did not hate Collision. She wished he had talked to her and Chrysanthe personally before making such a brash decision for both of their futures, but the two siblings would grin and bear it, and make the best of the situation. Truthfully, it would probably be Chrysanthe who would be bearing the brunt of the misfortune; Epiphron couldn't complain much. She'd been effectively handed the keys to the kingdom she had always wanted to rule anyway.

'I have faith in you.' Epiphron's jaw unhinged slightly, heart soaring in her chest at her niece's simple words. Who knew that such simple encouragement would make her feel so damn good? Perhaps her nervousness and the slight unsureness about everything that had been unfolding was unfounded. Did Valhalla have as much faith in her as Azalea did? She could only hope. Even if her time spent as Alpha here was cut short, she figured she ought to act as though she might lead this pack for some time. After all, she still needed to seek out her father, and then approach Gerhardt about the change in arrangements.

"I do hope your mother doesn't blame me for taking her position," she said with genuine worry, frowning a bit. "If I had known she would be well enough to rule, I wouldn't have been so eager to step up." The frown remained for a moment, though soon faded. There was no use dwelling on negative things for to long. Perhaps she could speak with Soleil soon, attempt to assuage any hurt feelings. "And I love them as well," she said seriously. There was no changing that. Lightly she bumped her own shoulder against Azalea's in return, a friendly and slightly playful gesture.